The Mysterious Case of QML Array.prototype.includes() Not Working as Expected
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The Mysterious Case of QML Array.prototype.includes() Not Working as Expected

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why QML Array.prototype.includes() refuses to work as expected? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of QML and JavaScript, uncovering the reasons behind this frustrating phenomenon. Buckle up, and let’s dive into the solution!

The Problem: QML Array.prototype.includes() Doesn’t Work as Expected

You’ve written a simple QML script, and you’re trying to use the Array.prototype.includes() method to check if an element exists in an array. But, to your surprise, it doesn’t work as expected. The includes() method returns false, even when the element is present in the array. What’s going on?

import QtQuick 2.12

Item {
    property var myArray: ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

    Component.onCompleted: {
        console.log(myArray.includes("banana")); // returns false

The Reason: JavaScript Context in QML

The root of the problem lies in the way QML interacts with JavaScript. QML is a declarative language, and it uses JavaScript as its scripting language. However, when you write JavaScript code in QML, it’s executed in a different context than regular JavaScript.

In QML, JavaScript code is executed in the Qt Quick Engine, which provides a sandboxed environment for JavaScript execution. This sandboxing is essential for maintaining the security and integrity of the QML runtime. However, it also means that some JavaScript features, like the Array.prototype.includes() method, don’t work as expected.

The Solution: Using the `in` Operator

One way to overcome this limitation is to use the `in` operator, which is a part of the QML language. The `in` operator checks if a property exists in an object or an array. You can use it to achieve the same result as Array.prototype.includes().

import QtQuick 2.12

Item {
    property var myArray: ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

    Component.onCompleted: {
        console.log("banana" in myArray); // returns true

Note that the `in` operator checks if the property exists in the object or array, not its value. If you need to check the value, you can use the `===` operator instead.

import QtQuick 2.12

Item {
    property var myArray: ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

    Component.onCompleted: {
        console.log(myArray.indexOf("banana") !== -1); // returns true

The Alternative: Using a JavaScript Function

If you need to use the Array.prototype.includes() method, you can create a JavaScript function that wraps the Array.prototype.includes() method. This function can be used in your QML code to achieve the desired result.

import QtQuick 2.12

Item {
    property var myArray: ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

    function includes(arr, elem) {
        return arr.includes(elem);

    Component.onCompleted: {
        console.log(includes(myArray, "banana")); // returns true

Why This Works

The reason this solution works is that the JavaScript function is executed in a different context than the QML script. When you call the `includes()` function, it’s executed in the JavaScript engine, where the Array.prototype.includes() method works as expected.

其他方法:Using Qt Array Functions

Qt provides a set of array functions that can be used in QML. One of these functions is `Qt.arrayContains()`, which checks if an element exists in an array.

import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQml 2.12

Item {
    property var myArray: ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

    Component.onCompleted: {
        console.log(Qt.arrayContains(myArray, "banana")); // returns true

Advantages of Qt Array Functions

Using Qt array functions has several advantages:

  • They are optimized for performance and work correctly in the QML context.
  • They provide additional functionality, such as filtering and sorting arrays.
  • They are part of the Qt framework, so you don’t need to worry about compatibility issues.


In this article, we’ve explored the reasons behind the inconsistent behavior of QML Array.prototype.includes() and provided several solutions to overcome this limitation. Whether you choose to use the `in` operator, a JavaScript function, or Qt array functions, you now have the tools to effectively work with arrays in QML.

Remember, in the world of QML and JavaScript, it’s essential to understand the differences between the two languages and their respective contexts. By doing so, you’ll be able to write more efficient, effective, and maintainable code.

Solution Description
Using the `in` operator Checks if a property exists in an object or array.
Using a JavaScript function Wraps the Array.prototype.includes() method, allowing it to work correctly in QML.
Using Qt array functions Provides optimized and feature-rich array functionality, including the Qt.arrayContains() function.

Choose the solution that best fits your needs, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on QML Array.prototype.includes() and its quirks!

Why does Array.prototype.includes() not work as expected in QML?

QML’s JavaScript engine is based on ECMAScript 5.1, which predates the introduction of Array.prototype.includes() in ECMAScript 2016. That’s why it’s not natively supported in QML. Bummer, right?

Can I use a polyfill to get Array.prototype.includes() working in QML?

You bet! You can use a polyfill to add support for Array.prototype.includes() in QML. However, keep in mind that polyfills can have performance implications, so use them judiciously. Just include the polyfill script in your QML file, and you’re good to go!

How can I implement a workaround for Array.prototype.includes() in QML?

One approach is to use the indexOf() method, which is supported in QML. You can do something like `if (myArray.indexOf(myValue) !== -1) { … }`. Not as concise as includes(), but it gets the job done!

Will Array.prototype.includes() be supported in future versions of QML?

The Qt Company, the maintainers of QML, are working on updating the JavaScript engine to a more modern version. This might include support for Array.prototype.includes() in the future. Fingers crossed!

Are there any other array methods that don’t work as expected in QML?

Unfortunately, yes. QML’s JavaScript engine has limited support for newer array methods like find(), findIndex(), and more. Be sure to check the QML documentation for the specific methods you’re using to avoid any surprises!

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